Moodle™ LMS
The world’s most widely-used learning platform
Moodle™ is one of the world's most popular and long-standing Learning Management Systems (LMS) and here at adaptiVLE, our team have over 20 years' experience of working with the Moodle software.
What makes a Moodle so good?
It's an open-source platform and fully customisable, so you can make it look and feel how you want it to.
It's got all sorts of assessment tools, like quizzes and assignments, so you can test your knowledge and get feedback on how you're doing. You can even create your own activities and resources, so you can tailor the learning experience to your needs.
It's got loads of tools for interaction between learners and trainers, like forums and messaging, so you can ask questions and get the support you need.

A Moodle LMS provides a fantastic experience for everyone involved, from learners to trainers and beyond. Every organisation has its own unique needs, and Moodle can be configured and customised to meet those needs.
A professionally-built Moodle provides your audience access to learning content without any hassle. The flexibility of the software means it can be designed to reflect your brand, with a bespoke theme that's intuitive and easy to use.
Organisations change, but a properly-designed Moodle LMS can accommodate those changes, allowing for a growing number of users and expanded functionality.
Whether you need to add more learners, build courses or create new user groups, a Moodle LMS makes it easy.
And because Moodle is open-source, help is always on hand when you need new features, support or training - you'll be sorted in no time.